Thornapple Kellogg Middle School Home

Encouraging and developing the greatest potential of each student

News & Announcements

The cast and crew of the MS play

TKMS To Present “Alice in Wonderland”

Thornapple Kellogg Middle School will present “Alice in Wonderland” as their spring play. More than 25 students are involved in this magical show of Alice, the Mad Hatter, Queen of Hearts and all the other colorful characters in the beloved story.
Gorgeous sunset over TK's stadium.


TK Alum John Garner created this video showcasing some of the many things that make Thornapple Kellogg Schools such an amazing school district and a great place for families to call home. Garner used his talents to skillfully pull together video clips including interviews with students, parents, alumni and teachers as well as images of the beautiful facilities, classroom learning and school activities. We hope you'll watch and share with friends so everyone can see why we are #TKSTRONG



Time: 7 PM – 9 PM
Location: TKHS Auditorium


Time: 7 PM – 9 PM
Location: TKHS Auditorium

A message from Middle School Principal Kelli Arnold-Wegner

Thornapple Kellogg Middle School
Welcome to Thornapple Kellogg Middle School!
Our middle school has grades 6, 7 and 8 and is filled with enthusiasm for learning and positive behaviors. Each grade level has a separate wing for core subjects with a common wing for our numerous exploratory classes such as choir, band, art, Spanish and 21st Century Skills. Our staff strives to ensure academic, physical, social and emotional growth and development for all students in a secure, creative and challenging environment. We work to develop positive self-images for all students so they can become responsible, lifelong learners. Our staff uses the PBIS program to help students develop core values for themselves and others and we teach and reward students for positive behavior. 
We are glad you're here! We welcome volunteer parent and community involvement so please stop in to see us soon!