Welcome to your TKMS Library page!
- Remember to turn in your SUMMER READING log by Thursday, August 29!
- Don't have a library card? NO PROBLEM. Stop by the TK School and Community Library with a parent to get signed up! If you aren't able to stop in, click HERE to sign up for a digital card that will give you access to all eAudio and eBooks online--a great option to use all summer long!
- Access Destiny Discover here! This is where you will be able to search for anything in the TKMS library. To place holds you will need to log in using your assigned username (ab12345) and password (12345). Logging into Destiny Discover will also give you access to these eBooks!
- Book suggestions- 2022-List of 25 books and 2023-List of 25 books exploring a variety of topics, reading tastes, and maturity levels.
- Have a book suggestion? Let us know here.
- Here are a couple slides to show you how to place a hold on library material
- Students- Join TKMS Library Google Classroom: Classroom Code: 3asppxx
Link to TK School and Community Library here.
If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Neff ([email protected]) or Mrs. Knowles ([email protected]).